Rapper Wiz Khalifa performed in Mumbai on Sunday evening and guess who attended his concert? Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit and Isha Ambani. On Monday morning, the 52-year-old actress posted a picture from her meeting with the rapper on her Instagram profile. Madhuri was accompanied by her husband Dr Sriram Madhav Nene and their son Rayaan (we missed Arin in the picture). In the picture, Madhuri could be seen smiling with all her heart as she and her family posed with Wiz Khalifa and singer Raja Kumari. "Thanks for showing the world yet again that music knows no boundaries of genre, age, culture etc. Wiz Khalifa, we had a great time grooving to your songs," Madhuri captioned the post.
Take a look at the picture shared by the Kalank actress here:
Wiz Khalifa performed in Mumbai on Sunday evening. Besides Madhuri Dixit and her family, Isha Ambani also attended the concert last night. Check out the pictures from the concert here:
Coming back to Madhuri Dixt - the actress was seen as one of the judges on the dance reality show Dance Deewane season 2. The actress had a busy year as she featured in Indra Kumar's super hit comedy film Total Dhamaal, which featured Anil Kapoor, Ajay Devgn, Riteish Deshmukh and Arshad Warsi among others.
Madhuri Dixit was also a part of Karan Johar-backed period drama Kalank, in which she co-starred with Alia Bhatt, Varun Dhawan, Sanjay Dutt, Sonakshi Sinha, Aditya Roy Kapur and Kunal Kemmu.
Madhuri Dixit has not announced any upcoming project as of now. Kalank remains her last release.