Karan Johar, who also shared a photo worth a million words, wrote: My Hum Aapke Hai Kaun moment!!!! A film I absolutely loved !!! So excited to work with these wonderful ladies again in Bucket List releasing on the 25th of May! ". Anil Kapoor, with whom Madhuri has famously co-starred in films likeTezaab, Pukar, made a reference to her Marathi debut Bucket List and said: " Happy birthday @MadhuriDixit!! May you have a Total Dhamaal filled day & year ahead & all your #BucketList wishes come true! Wishing you love and luck always!"
Other stars like Farhan Akhtar and Shraddha Kapoor also wished the actress on her birthday. Take a look at the wishes here:
Happy birthday @MadhuriDixit!! May you have a #TotalDhamaal filled day & year ahead & all your #BucketList wishes come true! Wishing you love and luck always! pic.twitter.com/LIJMC9FHcZ
— Anil Kapoor (@AnilKapoor) May 15, 2018
My #humaapkehaikaun moment!!!! A film I absolutely loved !!! So excited to work with these wonderful ladies again in #BucketList releasing on the 25th of May! @MadhuriDixit @renukash pic.twitter.com/6D45kdBUT7
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) May 15, 2018
Happy happy birthday to the one and only @MadhuriDixit.. thank you for being such an inspiration so blessed to be working with you #HappyBirthdayMadhuriDixit
— Alia Bhatt (@aliaa08) May 15, 2018
Happy birthday to the lady with the golden smile who makes a billion people smile every time she appears on screen. @MadhuriDixit .. love and respect.
— Farhan Akhtar (@FarOutAkhtar) May 15, 2018
Happy birthday to one of my favorites. Have grown up idolizing you. You have such a special place in everyone's heart! We all love you so much @MadhuriDixit
— Shraddha (@ShraddhaKapoor) May 15, 2018
Madhuri Dixit is best known for having starred in films like Tezaab, Devdas, Pukar, Dil Toh Pagal Hai and the list is endless. MadhuriDixit gearing up for the release of her Marathi debut Bucket List, which will also stars her Hum Aapke Hain Kaun co-star Renuka Shahane. She will also star in Abhishek Varman directed Kalank with Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt and Sanjay Dutt. Kalank was to originally star Sridevi.