Madhuri Dixit, in a new Instagram post on Tuesday, shared her biggest take-away from the lockdown experience and said she's learnt the importance of being "self-reliant." Madhuri, who marked June 30 as the 100th day since she started practising social distancing, shared a happy selfie of herself and her husband Sriram Nene. She explained their expressions of sheer joy in the caption, writing she decided to "experiment" with her husband's hairstyle, which turned out to quite a "fun" session. "Self-quarantine - Day 100. Had fun experimenting with Ram's hairstyle. One important lesson that this lockdown has taught us is, how to be self-reliant," Madhuri Dixit captioned her Instagram post.
Meanwhile, Dr Sriram Nene had shared a wife appreciation post earlier, with a shout-out to his new hair stylist. "Hats off to my new hair stylist. Thanks honey!" he had captioned his post.
During the lockdown, Madhuri Dixit's Instagram has turned into a mix of throwback memories and glimpses of her self-quarantined life. Madhuri recently celebrated her mother's 88th birthday at home with her house staff in attendance. Dr Sriram played the guitar while Madhuri's sons Arin and Ryan cheered for their grandmother.
On Friday, Madhuri revisited the time when she and her family won orange belts at a Taekwondo test: "Testing day for our orange belts. Breaking boards and learning Taekwondo together was an amazing family experience in focus, discipline and hard work," she captioned her post.
2019 release Kalank remains Madhuri Dixit's last film so far. Madhuri Dixit was also seen as a judge on dance reality show Dance Deewane. Meanwhile, Madhuri Dixit is all set for her digital debut with an upcoming Netflix series, which will be produced by Karan Johar. However, Madhuri's maiden collaboration with Netflix was Marathi drama 15th August, which also marked her debut project as a producer.