Madhuri Dixit has gone missing as the narrator of a recently launched entertainment channel. The actress used to guide viewers about the different programmes on it. But ever since she began appearing in Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa, she is no more seen on the channel. (Watch: Madhuri opens Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 5 with performance)
A source said, "As she decided to be part of a dance show on a rival channel, they obviously could not feature her as the presenter of their offerings. They had to immediately stop her promos. As a result, the promos were pulled off the air as soon as Jhalak rolled."
According to reports, the channel is now looking for a replacement for the star. Though nothing has been finalised as yet, they are hopeful to rope in another Bollywood personality. This was one of her earlier assignments when she decided to relocate to Mumbai last year and begin anew on the big and small screen. Madhuri Dixit had been specially roped in to be part of their campaigns in a bid to reach out to the audience in a bigger way. (Read: Madhuri wants Gene Kelly's tap dancing shoes)
The channel however maintained, "Madhuri Dixit had been roped in as the channel's sutradhar for six months. As the time period is over she is no longer shown."
The source added, "As soon as she decided to be part of Jhalak and before the promos went off air, she did a disappearing act. There was no way she could be seen on rival channels at the same time. It would be conflict of interests.''
A source said, "As she decided to be part of a dance show on a rival channel, they obviously could not feature her as the presenter of their offerings. They had to immediately stop her promos. As a result, the promos were pulled off the air as soon as Jhalak rolled."
According to reports, the channel is now looking for a replacement for the star. Though nothing has been finalised as yet, they are hopeful to rope in another Bollywood personality. This was one of her earlier assignments when she decided to relocate to Mumbai last year and begin anew on the big and small screen. Madhuri Dixit had been specially roped in to be part of their campaigns in a bid to reach out to the audience in a bigger way. (Read: Madhuri wants Gene Kelly's tap dancing shoes)
The channel however maintained, "Madhuri Dixit had been roped in as the channel's sutradhar for six months. As the time period is over she is no longer shown."
The source added, "As soon as she decided to be part of Jhalak and before the promos went off air, she did a disappearing act. There was no way she could be seen on rival channels at the same time. It would be conflict of interests.''