Mahesh Babu and Namrata Shirodkar are parents to Gautham Ghattamaneni and Sitara Ghattamaneni. Gautham was born on August 31, 2006, and recently, Mahesh Babu revealed that he was a premature baby. On a talk show, Mahesh Babu talked a lot about his kids, and during the conversation, he said that Gautham was born six weeks before as a premature baby. Mahesh Babu came on the show Unstoppable as a special guest. The show streams on the Aha platform and is being hosted by actor Nandamuri Balakrishna. Mahesh Babu also said that it was this incident that pushed him to work closely with children who needed heart surgeries. In the video, Mahesh Babu also spoke about the journey behind getting over 1,000 heart surgeries done free of cost for needy children.
Talking about Gautham's birth, Mahesh Babu said, "Gautham was born six weeks before as a premature baby. When I first held him, he was just as big as my palm. Now, Gautham is almost 6 ft tall. We had the money so we could take care of Gautham but what about those who couldn't afford. I always wanted to do something for children. That's how this thought of working with children was born." Nandamuri Balakrishna also asked Mahesh Babu to describe himself as a father, and he said that he's just a father to his children. Talking more about his children, Mahesh Babu said that Gautham is like a cat while his daughter Sitara is a brat.
Check out the video:
A few days back, Mahesh Babu tested COVID-19 positive and he is under home-quarantine.