Mourning the death of Bollywood's first superstar Rajesh Khanna, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday recollected her association with the Bollywood star and said he was "very fun loving".
"I had known Rajeshji for a long time. I still remember my association with Rajesh Khanna when both of us were elected to Lok Sabha as Congress MPs. He was very fun loving and used to make others laugh," said Mamata Banerjee.(Bollywood's first superstar Rajesh Khanna dies at 69)
Rajesh Khanna died on Wednesday morning, he was suffering from cancer. He was 69.
(Rajesh Khanna: 10 facts only a fan would know)
He was a Congress MP from the New Delhi constituency from 1992 to 1996.
"During that time we used to chat for long hours in the central hall of parliament. I had once invited him for a party programme. He told me that he would come after dressing smartly by applying all kindS of make-up," said Mamata Banerjee. (Bollywood's first superstar Rajesh Khanna dies at 69)
"I remember his smiling face. The way he entertained cine lovers over the years, that was something," she added.
"I had known Rajeshji for a long time. I still remember my association with Rajesh Khanna when both of us were elected to Lok Sabha as Congress MPs. He was very fun loving and used to make others laugh," said Mamata Banerjee.(Bollywood's first superstar Rajesh Khanna dies at 69)
Rajesh Khanna died on Wednesday morning, he was suffering from cancer. He was 69.
(Rajesh Khanna: 10 facts only a fan would know)
He was a Congress MP from the New Delhi constituency from 1992 to 1996.
"During that time we used to chat for long hours in the central hall of parliament. I had once invited him for a party programme. He told me that he would come after dressing smartly by applying all kindS of make-up," said Mamata Banerjee. (Bollywood's first superstar Rajesh Khanna dies at 69)
"I remember his smiling face. The way he entertained cine lovers over the years, that was something," she added.