Malayam Actor Mammootty has now entered the healthcare fray. With his daughter Surumy at the helm, the actor has launched a state-of-the-art birthing facility in city, called Motherhood.
Surumy Mammootty (29), a graphic designer by profession, said, "I happen to be a mother of two and my last experience wasn't as comfortable as the first. I wasn't given enough painkillers and it was very stressful. That's where the idea first came about."
"Our biggest concern here is safety and then comfort. We wanted our patients to feel at home and be comfortable with the doctor treating them. I'd be happy if they were sad to leave," she added. However, obstetricians in the city say that such centres do not contribute anything more than a regular hospital.
Surumy Mammootty (29), a graphic designer by profession, said, "I happen to be a mother of two and my last experience wasn't as comfortable as the first. I wasn't given enough painkillers and it was very stressful. That's where the idea first came about."
"Our biggest concern here is safety and then comfort. We wanted our patients to feel at home and be comfortable with the doctor treating them. I'd be happy if they were sad to leave," she added. However, obstetricians in the city say that such centres do not contribute anything more than a regular hospital.