Actors often take personal routes to promote their films. Manoj Bajpayee shared glimpses from his ancestral home in Bihar to promote his upcoming family drama Gulmohar. On Friday, Manoj Bajpayee posted an Instagram video showing the viewers his ancestral home in Bihar. Showing a corner of the house, Manoj said, "There used to be an Almira where my mother used to keep barfi, pera and curd. I used to steal and eat them." Manoj also revealed that he visited the place for the first time after his mother's demise. Taking a tour of the house, Manoj shared, "home is where the heart is".
Helmed by Rahul Chittella, the film stars Sharmila Tagore, Simran, and Suraj Sharma in the lead roles and is all set to stream exclusively on the OTT platform Disney Hotstar from March 3, 2023.
Talking about the essence of the movie, Manoj said, "There's something for everyone in the movie. It will make you choke, and it will make you laugh".
The makers of the movie Gulmohar hosted a special screening on Wednesday for Manoj's friends in the industry. Ashutosh Rana, Bobby Deol, and Gajraj Rao attended the screening.
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