High on spirits after winningthe reality show MasterChef India, Pankaj Bhadauria is busywith her next assignments - preparing for a cookery show and abook on the same subject.
"My cookery show will be on the air soon, besideswriting a cookery book which will have things different fromthe traditional cuisine. A website is also in the offing,"Pankaj, who hails from the city of Nawabs, told reportershere.
Contrary to the popular belief that parents inspiretheir children, it was other way round for Pankaj when it cameto participating in the reality show.
"It was my children, who inspired or in fact coaxed meto participate in the Masterchef contest after watching itsadvertisement on the television," said Pankaj.
On winning the reality show, Pankaj said that it wasout of this world experience.
"I went numb when the results were announced," shesaid.
On host Akshay Kumar cooking skills, she said that thebollywood star is a good cook.
"The dish he prepared for us during the show was verygood and delicious, but for me my mom is the ideal cook,"Pankaj said.
She said that the toughest challenge to to cook andpack lunch packets during flight adding that she will neverforget the time when she cooked for the King of Udaipur.
"My cookery show will be on the air soon, besideswriting a cookery book which will have things different fromthe traditional cuisine. A website is also in the offing,"Pankaj, who hails from the city of Nawabs, told reportershere.
Contrary to the popular belief that parents inspiretheir children, it was other way round for Pankaj when it cameto participating in the reality show.
"It was my children, who inspired or in fact coaxed meto participate in the Masterchef contest after watching itsadvertisement on the television," said Pankaj.
On winning the reality show, Pankaj said that it wasout of this world experience.
"I went numb when the results were announced," shesaid.
On host Akshay Kumar cooking skills, she said that thebollywood star is a good cook.
"The dish he prepared for us during the show was verygood and delicious, but for me my mom is the ideal cook,"Pankaj said.
She said that the toughest challenge to to cook andpack lunch packets during flight adding that she will neverforget the time when she cooked for the King of Udaipur.