Matt Damon says giving up his favourite food made him angry
Actor Matt Damon says he was alwaysgrumpy on the set of Elysium because he was on a strict dietto stay in shape.
The 42-year-old actor underwent a tough fitness regime andsaid giving up treats left him angry and unapproachable,reported Contactmusic.
"I was grumpy on this set, because I was on a diet for thewhole movie. I think I shut up a little bit and keep tomyself.
"It's not even that it was as extreme as diets I've donebefore, but it's like, at my age, I want to eat everything inmy path, you know what I mean? I think I've become more of aglutton. It was really hard because I love to eat and I loveto drink," he said.
Damon, who raises four daughters Alexia, 14 , Isabella,six, Gia, four and Stella, two, said his wife does not mindwhen he changes shape for movies because she likes thevariety.
"I'm at the point in my life where somebody was sillyenough to marry me and won't leave me if I put on a fewpounds. I think my wife likes the variety. When I did 'TheInformant', I put on 40 pounds. I was like, 'You like thisguy, too, don't you?' I'm trying to talk her into that guy.That's the guy I'm most comfortable being."
The 42-year-old actor underwent a tough fitness regime andsaid giving up treats left him angry and unapproachable,reported Contactmusic.
"I was grumpy on this set, because I was on a diet for thewhole movie. I think I shut up a little bit and keep tomyself.
"It's not even that it was as extreme as diets I've donebefore, but it's like, at my age, I want to eat everything inmy path, you know what I mean? I think I've become more of aglutton. It was really hard because I love to eat and I loveto drink," he said.
Damon, who raises four daughters Alexia, 14 , Isabella,six, Gia, four and Stella, two, said his wife does not mindwhen he changes shape for movies because she likes thevariety.
"I'm at the point in my life where somebody was sillyenough to marry me and won't leave me if I put on a fewpounds. I think my wife likes the variety. When I did 'TheInformant', I put on 40 pounds. I was like, 'You like thisguy, too, don't you?' I'm trying to talk her into that guy.That's the guy I'm most comfortable being."