Matt Damon isworried about his step daughter who will soon be a teenager.
The 'Bourne Identity' star, who has a 12-year-olddaughter Alexia from his wife Luciana Barroso's first marriage, said that he is apprehensive about her potentialboyfriends, reported a website.
"Like any father, I'm concerned a little about her(Alexia) becoming a teenager, because I know just whatteenage boys are thinking," said Damon.
The 'Good Will Hunting' star however is confident thatthe youngster will adapt well to the teenage years.
"Luckily, she is a terrific kid and the best you canhope for is that you are raising someone who has a lot ofself-esteem and a lot of common sense," said Damon.
Damon has four daughters Isabella, four, two-year-oldGia and Stella, three months, besides Alexia.
The 'Bourne Identity' star, who has a 12-year-olddaughter Alexia from his wife Luciana Barroso's first marriage, said that he is apprehensive about her potentialboyfriends, reported a website.
"Like any father, I'm concerned a little about her(Alexia) becoming a teenager, because I know just whatteenage boys are thinking," said Damon.
The 'Good Will Hunting' star however is confident thatthe youngster will adapt well to the teenage years.
"Luckily, she is a terrific kid and the best you canhope for is that you are raising someone who has a lot ofself-esteem and a lot of common sense," said Damon.
Damon has four daughters Isabella, four, two-year-oldGia and Stella, three months, besides Alexia.