Miley Cyrus was named the worst celebrity model among young girls while Chris Brown claimed the top spot in male celebrities
New York:
Singer-actress Miley Cyrus has beenvoted the worst celebrity role model for young girls, by a newpoll of 2,407 parents.
Miley Cyrus, 20, who recently caused a stir with the explicitnature of her latest album, beat singer-actress Lindsay Lohan and AmandaBynes to the title, reported the Huffington Post.
She received 68 percent of the votes collected byCouponCodes4u for her 'inability to make positive lifechoices', 'lack of talent' and 'sexualised' appearance.
Cyrus began her career as the lead on the Disneyshow Hannah Montana, where she acquired a very young fanbase.
But seemingly desperate to shed her good girl image, shehas built a reputation for wearing scandalous outfits anddancing provocatively in nightclubs.Other female celebrities to make the top ten with their'bad girl' personalities were Farrah Abraham, Rihanna andHills star Heidi Montag.
Rapper Chris Brown, who was arrested in 2009 for violenceagainst his ex-girlfriend Rihanna, claimed the topspot in male celebrities with 71 percent of votes, followedby rapper Kanye West and Justin Bieber.
Miley Cyrus, 20, who recently caused a stir with the explicitnature of her latest album, beat singer-actress Lindsay Lohan and AmandaBynes to the title, reported the Huffington Post.
She received 68 percent of the votes collected byCouponCodes4u for her 'inability to make positive lifechoices', 'lack of talent' and 'sexualised' appearance.
Cyrus began her career as the lead on the Disneyshow Hannah Montana, where she acquired a very young fanbase.
But seemingly desperate to shed her good girl image, shehas built a reputation for wearing scandalous outfits anddancing provocatively in nightclubs.Other female celebrities to make the top ten with their'bad girl' personalities were Farrah Abraham, Rihanna andHills star Heidi Montag.
Rapper Chris Brown, who was arrested in 2009 for violenceagainst his ex-girlfriend Rihanna, claimed the topspot in male celebrities with 71 percent of votes, followedby rapper Kanye West and Justin Bieber.