This Article is From Nov 23, 2010

Miley Cyrus' dance-off with mother for 18th birthday



  • Teen star Miley Cyrus has kicked off her 18th birthday celebrations by challenging her mother Tish to a dance-off.
  • The Hannah Montana star competed with her mother's dance moves at an early celebration party at a Los Angeles night club, Access Hollywood reported.
  • "I'm going out dancing later, we rented out a space so all my friends can come. Me and my mom actually have choreography for the night later, everyone loves it when we dance in unison," Miley said about her plans for the big day which falls on November 23.
Los Angeles: Teen star Miley Cyrus haskicked off her 18th birthday celebrations by challenging hermother Tish to a dance-off.

The Hannah Montana star competed with her mother'sdance moves at an early celebration party at a Los Angelesnight club, Access Hollywood reported.

"I'm going out dancing later, we rented out a space soall my friends can come. Me and my mom actually havechoreography for the night later, everyone loves it when wedance in unison," Miley said about her plans for the big daywhich falls on November 23.

The singer and actress said that the pair also practisetheir dancing skills on a computer game at home, but is oftenbeaten by her mother.

"There's one move where you do like, the fist pump. You'Jersey Shore' it for a second! We got a bunch of moves goingon. Everyone goes wild when me and my mom have choreography,so it's going to be good.

"My mom, she beats me at that game! She had 600,000points yesterday, I had 300,000. She is such a good dancer,she really gets it," the Hannah Montana actress said.

Miley will celebrate her birthday amidst her parents,Billy Ray Cyrus and Tish's, separation after 17 years ofmarriage.

Meanwhile, Miley has a lot of other events planned inadvance for celebrating the milestone.

"I have a birthday month. I do the whole month ofNovember. Thanksgiving, cake, it's all about me onThanksgiving!" she said.
