Mira Rajput's latest post on Instagram is every girl's dream. Not kidding! Mira shared a selfie on Wednesday and sent the Internet into a tizzy with her "just out of bed" look and you will know why when you will see her post. In the selfie, Mira Rajput looks gorgeous in a white shirt, which she paired with a watch and a gold bracelet. Sharing the selfie, Mira captioned it: "Just out of bed in 1977." However, in her post, Mira hasn't elaborated much on her "1977" reference. Minutes after Mira shared the selfie, fans flooded her post with comments such as "beautiful," "looking pretty" and "extremely gorgeous." Take a look at her post here:
Mira Rajput married actor Shahid Kapoor in the year 2015. The couple welcomed their first child Misha in 2016 and second child Zain in September, 2018. Here are some lovely pictures of the couple and their children, shared on social media:
On the work front, Mira Rajput made her acting debut in a TV commercial for an anti-ageing cream last year. Shahid Kapoor, on the other hand, was last seen in blockbuster Kabir Singh, in which he shared screens space with Kiara Advani. The film was a remake of the Sandeep Reddy Vanga-directed Telugu film Arjun Reddy. Shahid will next be seen in Gowtam Tinnanuri's Jersey, a Hindi remake of the 2019 Telugu movie of the same name. The film, which will feature Shahid as a cricketer, will also star his father Pankaj Kapur and Mrunal Thakur. Jersey is scheduled to open in theatres in August this year.