Mission Mangal, Akshay Kumar's new film for the Independence Day holiday, has hit the right note at the ticket window as it collected over Rs 29 crore on the first day, tweeted trade analyst Taran Adarsh. The film directed by Jagan Shakti is also Akshay's highest opening film beating the first day collection records of Toilet: Ek Prem Katha, Rustom and Gold. "Mission Mangal takes a fantabulous start... Independence Day holiday gives business an additional boost... Multiplexes outstanding, mass circuits good... Emerges Akshay Kumar's biggest opener... Thursday India business is Rs 29.16 crore," tweeted Taran Adarsh. In Mission Mangal, Akshay features with an ensemble cast including Vidya Balan, Taapsee Pannu, Sonakshi Sinha, Kirti Kulhari and Nithya Menen.
Here's the first day business report card of Mission Mangal:
#MissionMangal takes a fantabulous start... #IndependenceDay holiday gives biz an additional boost... Multiplexes outstanding, mass circuits good... Emerges Akshay Kumar's biggest opener... Thu 29.16 cr. India biz.
- taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) August 16, 2019
Mission Mangal topped the list of Akshay's last four Independence Day releases. Taran Adarsh shared the details:
Akshay Kumar and #IndependenceDay releases... Day 1 biz...
- taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) August 16, 2019
2016: #Rustom 14.11 cr [Fri; working day]
2017: #ToiletEkPremKatha 13.10 cr [Fri; working day]
2018: #Gold 25.25 cr [Wed; holiday]
2019: #MissionMangal 29.16 cr [Thu; holiday]
India biz.
Mission Mangal opened to decent reviews on Thursday along with Batla House, headlined by John Abraham. The Nikkhil Advani-directed film did not affect the business of Mission Mangal a lot. The final opening day figure of Batla House is Rs 14 crore, which is quite less than the collection of mission Mangal.
#BatlaHouse fares well on Day 1, although the numbers are affected due to the clash... Gathered momentum post noon onwards... #IndependenceDay holiday gave its biz additional push... Will need to score from Fri-Sun... Thu 14.59 cr. India biz.
Meanwhile, apart from Batla House, Akshay's film is competing for viewership with Netflix India's new show Sacred Games.
Mission Mangal, which is based the story of scientists at Indian Space Research Organisation who contributed to the Mars Orbiter Mission, which marked India's first interplanetary expedition. The film also stars Sharman Joshi and Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub in pivotal roles.