Mission Mangal has 150 crore reasons to smile as the film continues to 'display strong legs at the box office,' said trade analyst Taran Adarsh. Over the second weekend, Mission Mangal crossed the Rs 150 crore-mark and in doing so it became actor Akshay Kumar's second fastest film to cross the mark. Earlier, Rajinikanth's 2.0, in which Akshay played antagonist, crossed the mark in 10 days while Mission Mangal took 11 days. Taran Adarsh tweeted about the film's 'solid trending' and wrote, "Mission Mangal is displaying strong legs at the box office... Continues to surprise with solid trending on second Saturday and Sunday... No action or commercial trappings, yet the numbers are truly outstanding... The total India business so far is Rs 164.61 crore."
Akshay Kumar headlines the ensemble cast of Mission Mangal, which includes Vidya Balan, Taapsee Pannu, Sonakshi Sinha, Kirti Kulhari and Nithya Menen.
Here's the updated box office report card of Mission Mangal:
#MissionMangal is displaying strong legs at the BO... Continues to surprise with solid trending on [second] Sat and Sun... No action / commercial trappings, yet the numbers are truly outstanding... [Week 2] Fri 7.83 cr, Sat 13.32 cr, Sun 15.30 cr. Total: 164.61 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) August 26, 2019
Here are other box office facts about Mission Mangal:
Akshay Kumar versus Akshay Kumar... Fastest to reach 150 cr...
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) August 26, 2019
2018: #2Point0 [#Hindi]: Day 10 / Thu release [non-holiday]
2019: #MissionMangal: Day 11 / Thu release [#IndependenceDay]
2019: #Kesari: Day 25 / Thu release [#Holi]
India biz.
#MissionMangal biz at a glance...
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) August 26, 2019
Week 1: 128.16 cr [8 days]
Weekend 2: 36.45 cr
Total: 164.61 cr
India biz.
SUPER-HIT.#MissionMangal benchmarks...
Crossed 50 cr: Day 3
100 cr: Day 5
150 cr: Day 11
India biz.
Mission Mangal opened to decent reviews on August 15 along with Batla House, starring john Abraham. Batla House is giving stiff competition to Mission Mangal at the ticket window but it's performance is not as spectacular as the Jagan Shakt-directed film. Taran Adarsh said, "Batla House has been appreciated and that's reflecting in its numbers."
#BatlaHouse has been appreciated and that's reflecting in its numbers... Additionally, lack of major release + #Janmashtami festivities have helped put up a strong total in Weekend 2... [Week 2] Fri 4.15 cr, Sat 6.58 cr, Sun 7.21 cr. Total: 83.78 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) August 26, 2019
Mission Mangal, which is based the story of scientists at Indian Space Research Organisation who contributed to the Mars Orbiter Mission, which marked India's first interplanetary expedition. The film also stars Sharman Joshi and Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub in pivotal roles.