Shantirani Chakraborty, Mithun Chakraborty's mother, died on Friday, June 6. Mithun's friend, Vijay Upadhyay, confirmed the news. Mithun used to live in Mumbai with his mother. Mithun Chakraborty also lost his father, Basantakumar Chakraborty, to kidney failure three years ago at the age of 95. BJP member Agnimitra Paul tweeted, "This loss is beyond repair. Hope that Mithun Da is able to face this hour of grief and loss with strength. Rest in power Aunty. Om Shanti."
Mithun was born in Calcutta into a Bengali Hindu family to Basanta Kumar Chakraborty and Shanti Rani Chakraborty. Meanwhile, on the work front, Mithun is currently busy with the shoot of Dance Bangla Dance. He made his acting debut in Mrigayaa (1976). He won the National Film Award for Best Actor for his performance. Later, he won two more National Film Awards for his roles in Tahader Katha (1992) and Swami Vivekananda (1998). He was recently seen in The Kashmir Files, directed by Vivek Agnihotri.
Mithun became a Member of Parliament after being nominated for the Rajya Sabha Member of Parliament elections by West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for her All India Trinamool Congress (TMC) in the West Bengal Rajya Sabha Assembly Polls held on 7 February 2014. His son and actor Namashi Chakraborty made his Bollywood debut as an actor in the film Bad Boy.
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