Malayalam actor Prithviraj Sukumaran, on Friday, shared a blast from the past featuring his late father, actor Sukumaran, superstar Mohanlal and National Award-winning filmmaker Mani Ratnam on his Instagram profile. The vintage photo is from the sets of the 1984 Malayalam movie Unaru, which was directed by Mani Ratnam. Ravi K Chandran, who can also be seen in the photo, worked as a cinematographer on the film. In the picture, Mani Ratnam and a few other crew members can be seen behind the camera filming Mohanlal, who can be seen standing with his back towards the lens. Sukumaran can be seen observing the shot from a distance.
Sharing the photo, Prithviraj thanked Ravi K Chandran for sharing the photo with him and wrote: "Lalettan, Achan, Mani Ratnam sir, Ravi ettan (Ravi K Chandran), on the sets of UNARU (1984)."
Check out the aforementioned throwback gem here:
Unaru was Mani Ratnam's second film as a director, the first being the 1983's Pallavi Anu Pallavi. He has won the National Awards for directing films like Mouna Ragam, Geethanjali, Anjali, Roja, Bombay and Kannathil Muthamittal.
Sukumaran was one of the most loved actors in Malayalam cinema. While he worked with Mohanlal in a few films before he died in 1997, his son co-starred with Mohanlal in the 2019 movie Lucifer.
Mohanlal, who has won five National Awards, is the star of films like Bharatham, Vanaprastham, Thanmathra, Paradesi and Drishyam. He was last seen in the Drishyam sequel. Mohanlal's upcoming projects are Marakkar: Arabikadalinte Simham, Aaraattu and Ram.