Malayalam superstar Mohanlal is all set to act in a 45-minute documentary that will show girls how they should take care of themselves in public life.
Produced by the Kerala State Women's Development Corporation (KSWDC), the video is titled Yathra and it will be shown in all schools across Kerala.
P.T.M. Sunish, managing director of KSWDC, told IANS that an expert committee headed by M.K.C. Nair, director of Child Development Centre, has written the script and the video will be ready soon.
"The aim of the film is to convey to the girls about everything they need to know to tackle issues. We will screen this film in all the rural schools in the state starting next month. We will also give out CDs to all those who need it," said Sunish.
Of the total enrolment of 44.58 lakh students in the state, girls constitute 49.29 percent and, except in the capital district, boys outnumber girls.
The video will contain tips on how girls should safeguard themselves from routine miscreant activities and attempts of molestation of any kind.
It will also have useful contact details and helpline numbers of authorities who could be contacted to settle or report grievances of any sort against adolescents.
Produced by the Kerala State Women's Development Corporation (KSWDC), the video is titled Yathra and it will be shown in all schools across Kerala.
P.T.M. Sunish, managing director of KSWDC, told IANS that an expert committee headed by M.K.C. Nair, director of Child Development Centre, has written the script and the video will be ready soon.
"The aim of the film is to convey to the girls about everything they need to know to tackle issues. We will screen this film in all the rural schools in the state starting next month. We will also give out CDs to all those who need it," said Sunish.
Of the total enrolment of 44.58 lakh students in the state, girls constitute 49.29 percent and, except in the capital district, boys outnumber girls.
The video will contain tips on how girls should safeguard themselves from routine miscreant activities and attempts of molestation of any kind.
It will also have useful contact details and helpline numbers of authorities who could be contacted to settle or report grievances of any sort against adolescents.