Leave it to Kareena Kapoor to bless our Instagram feed with infinite cuteness. The actress, who is expecting her second child with husband Saif Ali Khan, shared a series of posts from her Dharamkot (a hill station in Himachal Pradesh) diaries on her Instagram profile, on Tuesday. Kareena posted two pictures and a video from a pottery session, where she was accompanied by her 3-year-old son Taimur. In the video, the mother-son duo can be seen making clay pots. An excited Taimur can also be seen helping out Kareena Kapoor and his reaction at the end of the video is too cute, when he tries to show his mud-covered hands to his mom.
Kareena added the same caption to all her posts and she wrote: "Pot, pot, pottery with the lil man. Dharamkot studio such brilliant stuff." Check out the posts here:
Kareena Kapoor flew to Himachal Pradesh along with her bestie Malaika Arora a few weeks ago. She celebrated Diwali along with her husband Saif Ali Khan, who is shooting for his film Bhoot Police along with Arjun Kapoor and Jacqueline Fernandez. Here are some posts Kareena Kapoor shared from Dharamshala:
Kareena Kapoor was last seen in the hit film Angrezi Medium, co-starring late actor Irrfan Khan and Radhika Madan. The film also featured Ranvir Shorey and Dimple Kapadia in pivotal roles. The actress' upcoming projects include Karan Johar's period drama Takht and Aamir Khan's Laal Singh Chaddha, which is a remake of the 1994 film Forrest Gump. She also wrapped the shooting of her chat show What Women Want season 3.
Kareena Kapoor and her husband Saif Ali Khan shared the big news of their pregnancy in August, this year. "We are very pleased to announce that we are expecting an addition to our family. Thank you to all our well-wishers for all their love and support," the couple said in a joint statement. The couple got married in the year 2012 and welcomed their first child Taimur Ali Khan in 2016.