Mouni Roy shared a couple of photos of herself chilling in a pool on Saturday and within minutes, her pictures set the Internet on fire. The actress, who has worked in many TV shows and films, looks ethereal in a white bikini in the photos. In one of her posts, she can be swimming in a pool while in another, the actress looks stunning while posing for the camera. Mouni Roy, who is known for accompanying her posts with thought-provoking captions, picked a few lines from poet Emily Dickinson's The Soul Selects Her Own Society and I'm Nobody! Who Are You? for her posts.
"I'm Nobody! Who are you? Are you nobody too? Then there's a pair of us," read the caption of her first set of pictures while sharing another, she wrote: "Water belle." This is what she wrote while sharing the last of photos: "The soul selects her own society - Then - shuts the door - To her divine majority - Present no more..."
See Mouni Roy's stunning pool pictures here:
Mouni Roy's pictures from her vacation almost always trend on social media. The actress, who was in Dubai a few days ago, lit up Instagram with these posts:
And here are some photos from her Maldives holiday that won the hearts of her fans:
Mouni Roy became a household name for her breakthrough performance in the television show Naagin. She made her debut in Bollywood with Akshay Kumar's Gold. The actress has also featured in John Abraham's Romeo Akbar Walter.
Mouni Roy's last film was Made In China, in which she shared screen space with Rajkummar Rao, Paresh Rawal, Boman Irani, Gajraj Rao and Sumeet Vyas. She will next be seen in Ayan Mukerji's Brahmastra, in which she will co-star Amitabh Bachchan, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt.