Congratulations, Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala. The couple got married on December 4. The festivities took place at Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad. Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita's families and close friends were part of the celebration. Now, actor Rana Daggubatti has shared a priceless picture from their wedding day. Here, Rana is seen sharing a side hug with his cousin Naga Chaitanya. Family goals, did we hear? The note attached to the photo read, “Pellikodudu [groom].”
A red heart was attached to the post. The Annapurna Studios holds a sentimental value for the Akkineni family. It symbolises their long legacy in the Telugu film industry. Founded in 1976 by his legendary grandfather, Akkineni Nageswara Rao, this 22-acre property in Banjara Hills has long been a symbol of cinematic brilliance and family pride.
Naga Chaitanya's superstar father Nagarjuna shared the first set of pictures from Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipa's wedding. The newlyweds look oh-so-happy in the pictures. The note attached to the post read, “Watching Sobhita and Chay begin this beautiful chapter together has been a special and emotional moment for me. Congratulations to my beloved Chay, and welcome to the family dear Sobhita—you've already brought so much happiness into our lives.” Talking about the wedding venue, he added, “This celebration holds even deeper meaning as it unfolds under the blessings of ANR garu's statue, installed to mark his centenary year. It feels as though his love and guidance are present with us in every step of this journey. I thank the countless blessings showered upon us today with gratitude.”
Watching Sobhita and Chay begin this beautiful chapter together has been a special and emotional moment for me. ???????? Congratulations to my beloved Chay, and welcome to the family dear Sobhita—you've already brought so much happiness into our lives. ????
— Nagarjuna Akkineni (@iamnagarjuna) December 4, 2024
This celebration holds…
Did you know Naga Chaitanya met Sobhita Dhulipala at an event in Mumbai? Well, the actor recently revealed it. "I was in Mumbai for the launch of my OTT show, during that time, she did have a show with the same platform as well. We first interacted at the event hosted by the OTT platform," he said.