Mahesh Babu and Namrata Shirodkar's daughter Sitara only sings and dances to her actor "father's tunes." The reason we are saying this is because, on Monday, Namrata shared a beyond adorable throwback video of her daughter, in which the little munchkin can be seen singing and dancing to one of Mahesh Babu's songs in a car. Not just Sitara's cute dance moves but her ponytail also stole the show on the Internet. Sharing the throwback video, Namrata Shirodkar wrote: "One for each day! This little pumpkin on her way to a birthday party. She only sings to her father's tunes #stayhome #staysafe."
Take a look at the video here:
Namrata Shirodkar is keeping herself busy during the lockdown by sharing old pictures and videos of Sitara on her social media profile. On Sunday, she posted another clip of little Sitara "trying to catch the beat" and wrote: "One for each day... trying to catch the beat!"
Before that, she posted a throwback picture of herself and Sitara from the sets of Mahesh Babu's 2014 film Aagadu. "One for each day! My earring caught the attention of this 2-year-old and that was the end of a perfectly beautiful day! She couldn't see the end of it till the music started and off she went! Location - Aagadu song shoot Aaja Saroja!" wrote Namrata.
Namrata, who was crowned Miss India in 1993, met Mahesh Babu on the sets of the 2005 film Vamsi and got married to him the same year. They welcomed their son Gautham in August 2006 and daughter Sitara in 2012.