Namrata Shirodkar, in lockdown, seems to be rummaging through dust-caked albums and revisiting old memories. The 48-year-old actress, on Saturday, took a trip to the memory lane and came back with a super cute picture of herself and baby Sitara. In the adorable throwback picture, Namrata can be seen looking at the camera, while baby Sitara, on Namrata's lap, is engrossed in examining mama Namrata's earring. "One for each day. My earring caught the attention of this 2-year-old and that was the end of a perfectly beautiful day! She couldn't see the end of it till the music started and off she went." Sharing a detail about the photograph, Namrata wrote, "Location, Aagadu song shoot Aaja Saroja." Looks like Namrata and Sitara accompanied Mahesh Babu to the shoot location of his 2014 action drama film Aagadu. Take a look at the adorable throwback picture here:
Namrata, on Sunday, treated her fans to another snippet from her throwback diaries. "My Easter special. One for each day, trying to catch the beat," wrote Namrata. In the video, a pint-sized Sitara can be seen trying to dance to the music in the background. Take a look:
Namrata is keeping her fans amused with super cute throwback pictures. On Thursday, the actress shared a beautiful throwback picture featuring daughter Sitara, 7, actor-husband Mahesh Babu and herself, from the time when Mahesh Babu was "shooting for One in London." Sharing the picture, Namrata wrote a heartfelt caption, an excerpt of which read, "Rummaging through my albums... Memory therapy for the soul! Just decided each one for each day to make me happier and look at life more positively in these trying times...Love makes our world go around... everyone who believes that photographs make you happy and heal your soul should give it a try! Stay home stay safe."
Namrata, who was crowned Miss India in 1993, met Mahesh Babu on the sets of the 2005 film Vamsi and got married to him the same year.
On the work front, Sarileru Neekevvaru is Mahesh Babu's fourth consecutive hit after the 2019 film Maharshi, the 2018 film Bharat Ane Nenu and the 2017 film SPYder. Directed by Anil Ravipudi, Sarileru Neekevvaru also featured Rashmika Mandanna, Vijayashanti, Prakash Raj, Rajendra Prasad, Vennela Kishore and Murali Sharma. Mahesh Babu will next be seen in a Parasuram-directed film.