Ananya Panday received the Youth Icon Of The Year Award at the NDTV Indian Of The Year 2024 for her back-to-back releases like Kho Gaye Hum Kahan, CTRL and Call Me Bae, dealing with the dark realities of the cyber world and the angst of the Gen Z generation. Ananya Panday received the award from film veteran Asha Parekh. Ananya wore a black saree for the event. When asked about an advice from Asha Parekh, the film veteran shared the key mantra to success which holds true in every generation. "Always work hard with sincerity," Asha Parekh's golden words for Ananya. Ananya Panday also shared her fan-girl moment on stage. Taking a cue from the viral meme, Ananya Panday complimented the "Kati Patang" actress "looking like a wow."
Ananya Panday is working on OTT and big screen simultaneously. Asked about the exposure she's getting from OTT, Ananya said, "No screen is big or small. After all, it's screen." Asked about a character, she wants to portray, Ananya Panday chose Kareena Kapoor's iconic Jab We Met.
Ananya Panday is known for films like Student Of The Year 2, Pati Patni Aur Woh, Khaali Peeli, Gehraiyaan, Liger, Dream Girl 2, Kho Gaye Hum Kahan, Bad Newz, Khel Khel Mein. Ananya received praise for portraying the Gen-Z girl to perfection.