Film Veteran Asha Parekh attended the NDTV Indian Of The Year 2024, held in New Delhi on Friday. She has defied age with her grace and dignity. Asha Parekh is one of the jury members of this year's panel which selected the best of talents across fields like sports, entertainment, science, business, politics. At the event, Asha Parekh walked down memory lane and shared fond snippets from her acting days. Asked about her frequent collaborator Shammi Kapoor, Asha Parek revealed she tried to copy him in a song throughout and he was very angry with it. "Shammi Kapoor was my first hero. I have learnt a lot from him. All the Kapoors have a good sense of music. There was so much music in his body, that I didn't find it difficult to follow him."
Asha Parekh and Shammi Kapoor worked in films like Teesri Manzil (1966), Batwara (1989), Dil Deke Dekho (1959), Pagla Kahin Ka (1970), Jawan Mohabbat (1971), Sar Ankhon Par (1999). When asked about the time when she copied Shammi Kapoor, the actress said, "He was very angry." Asha Parekh couldn't remember the song in particular but she remembered her first co-star with affection.
Re-living the days of action, Asha Parekh shared she shot the song Aaja Aaja from Teesri Manzil with allergy. "I went to a doctor and said I need to shoot a song. The allergies must be gone. Doctor said, he hasn't seen a patient like me." Composed by RD Burman and sung by Mohammad Rafi, Asha Bhosle, this hit number stood the test of time and established the actress as one of the leading ladies of the 60s.
NDTV's Indian of the Year Award recognises eminent visionaries, political leaders, sports personalities and entertainers who have not just strengthened the foundations of our society but have also helped build Brand India. The awards recognize those who have thought ahead, dared to be different and redefined the meaning of 'being a true Indian'.