Film producer Rhea Kapoor shared new pictures from her Maldives holiday on Saturday. Rhea Kapoor, who is in the island nation, has actively been sharing photos from the vacation. In her latest Instagram entry, Rhea Kapoor can be seen chilling in the pool. She revealed that the picture was clicked by "reluctant insta husband" Karan Boolani. Rhea Kapoor captioned the post: "I've kept the editing to a minimum because I've decided to grow up and own my hips. I eat pasta and I cannot lie." In the comments section, Rhea's bestie Masaba Gupta wrote: "Beauty on beach duty."
See the post shared by Rhea Kapoor here:
Here are some more photos from her Maldives holiday:
Rhea Kapoor and Karan Boolani's wedding was an intimate affair. The couple got married at Anil Kapoor's Juhu residence in the presence of a few family members last year.
Film producer Rhea Kapoor married Karan Boolani in August last year. They had been together for over 12 years. They got married at Anil Kapoor's Juhu bungalow, in the presence of a few family members. Apart from being a film producer, Rhea Kapoor is also a stylist (largely for her sister Sonam Kapoor). She has co-produced films such as Aisha, Khoobsurat and Veere Di Wedding, all three starring Sonam Kapoor. The sister-duo also runs an apparel brand called Rheson, which was launched in 2017.
Rhea Kapoor also launched her ice-cream brand last year. Karan Boolani worked as an assistant director with Rhea Kapoor on the 2010 film Aisha.