Sonam Kapoor, who is expecting her first child with husband Anand Ahuja, shared snippets from her maternity diaries on her Instagram stories on Wednesday. In one of the pictures, she shared a close-up shot and she wrote: "Back on set...." In a separate Instagram story, the actress shared a glimpse of her OOTD - a red kaftan of sorts, designed by Sonam's designer friend Masaba Gupta. "Thanks Masaba Gupta. Love it," she wrote. Reacting to Sonam's Instagram story, Masaba Gupta wrote: "My new artist inspired resort wear that's launching soon-ish."
See the pictures shared by Sonam Kapoor here:
Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja announced pregnancy in March. Their caption read: "Four hands. To raise you the very best we can. Two hearts. That will beat in unison with yours, every step of the way. One family. Who will shower you with love and support. We can't wait to welcome you." They added the hashtags #everydayphenomenal and #comingthisfall2022.
Sonam Kapoor married Anand Ahuja in May 2018 in Mumbai after dating for several years. Anand Ahuja runs the fashion label Bhane and the sneaker boutique VegNonVeg. The couple manage their time between Mumbai and London.
Sonam Kapoor was last seen in the 2019 film The Zoya Factor, co-starring Dulquer Salmaan and Angad Bedi. Sonam also stared in Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga, alongside Anil Kapoor, Rajkummar Rao and Juhi Chawla. The actress will next be seen in the Shome Makhija's film Blind. She also had a cameo in Netflix's thriller AK vs AK, starring Anil Kapoor and Anurag Kashyap.