Naga Chaitanya married Sobhita Dhulipala in an intimate traditional ceremony at the Annapurna Studios, Hyderabad, last night. Pictures of the newlyweds are all over the Internet. Amidst this, Rana Daggubati, who is going to host his cousin Naga Chaitanya on his chat show, shared a new teaser from the upcoming episode on his Instagram feed. In the teaser spanning a few minutes, Naga Chaitanya reveals his family plans and his special wishes to spend time with kids. Rana initiated the conversation with a question like, "What would you imagine your family look like?" Beaming with joy, Naga Chaitanya replied, "Happily married, couple of kids." Rana Daggubati quipped in, "Couple of kids as in four or two like Venky uncle? (Referring to film star Daggubati Venkatesh)". Naga Chaitanya blushed and said, "May be just one or two." He went on, "Probably I'm going to take my son to race track. Go-kart with him. If I have a daughter, whatever hobbies she has, Like I want to spend those moments with them."
Sharing the teaser, Rana Daggubati wrote, "Chay and me... dynamic duo or double trouble? You decide!" The teaser also has a couple of unseen pictures of Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita from their dating days. Take a look:
Like, Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala's engagement announcement, Nagarjuna shared the first official pictures from the wedding on social media last night. Welcoming daughter-in-law Sobhita to the family, the superstar wrote, "Watching Sobhita and Chay begin this beautiful chapter together has been a special and emotional moment for me. Congratulations to my beloved Chay, and welcome to the family dear Sobhita-you've already brought so much happiness into our lives."
The wedding took place at the Annapurna Studios, a symbol of the Akkineni's family legacy. Referring to the roots, Nagarjuna wrote, "This celebration holds even deeper meaning as it unfolds under the blessings of ANR garu's statue, installed to mark his centenary year. It feels as though his love and guidance are present with us in every step of this journey. I thank the countless blessings showered upon us today with gratitude." Take a look:
Watching Sobhita and Chay begin this beautiful chapter together has been a special and emotional moment for me. 🌸💫 Congratulations to my beloved Chay, and welcome to the family dear Sobhita—you've already brought so much happiness into our lives. 💐
— Nagarjuna Akkineni (@iamnagarjuna) December 4, 2024
This celebration holds…
Sobhita and Naga Chaitanya's pre-wedding festivities began last week. First, they observed Mangalasnanam and haldi ceremony, followed by Pelli Kuthuru (an equivalent of a bridal shower) ceremony. Sobhita shared stunning pictures from the ceremony on her Instagram feed. The couple got engaged in August. Naga Chaitanya was earlier married to Samantha Ruth Prabhu.