Newlyweds Aditya Narayan and Shweta Agarwal took off to Jammu and Kashmir recently for their honeymoon. The couple got married on December 1 in Mumbai. On Thursday, Aditya Narayan shared a loved up pic from Srinagar and shared that it is his first trip to Kashmir. The couple look beyond adorable in the photo. The actress can be seen wearing a baby pink sweater, which she paired with a pink winter cap. Aditya Narayan looks dashing in a brown jacket and a pair of sunglasses. Sharing the photo, the singer wrote: "Honeymoon begins! Visiting heaven on earth #Kashmir for the first time #IncredibleIndia."
Check out the aforementioned photo from Aditya Narayan and Shweta Agarwal's honeymoon here:
A couple of days after his wedding, Aditya Narayan Instagrammed a cute photograph of himself and Shweta Agarwal dressed as a groom and bride, respectively. The photo features him giving Shweta a peck on the cheek. "I will find you. And I will marry you. #Taken," he captioned the post.
The singer also shared a clip from his wedding, hilariously edited by one of his friends. Take a look:
Aditya Narayan and Shweta Agarwal first met on the sets of the 2010 movie Shaapit, in which they co-starred. The film also marked Aditya's acting debut. Apart from being an actor, Aditya Narayan is a singer too. He is the son of playback singer Udit Narayan and Deepa Narayan. Aditya is known for hosting reality shows like Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Challenge, Rising Star 3 and Entertainment Ki Raat.