Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas shared glimpses from their 6th wedding anniversary celebrations. Priyanka recently took to Instagram to share a series of photos from their trip to New York, which also included their daughter, Malti Marie. She captioned the post, "A quick lil New York moment (sic)."
Nick also posted pictures from the getaway and wrote, "6 year wedding anniversary. Moana 2. Family time. New York City. What could be better? My heart is full."
Last month, Priyanka Chopra celebrated Thanksgiving in London with her singer-husband Nick Jonas and their daughter, Malti Marie. She shared a series of pictures from the occasion on her Instagram, giving fans a glimpse into the intimate family celebration. In the first photo, Nick and Priyanka can be seen kissing their daughter Malti Marie on the forehead. The second image captures a paper-cut glass with the word "Thanksgiving" beautifully displayed. The post also includes pictures of their delicious Thanksgiving spread, featuring a roasted turkey, apple pie, chocolate chip cookies, a tart and an upside-down pineapple cake.
One of the photos shows personalised gift bags from little one, each with her name, while another features a lovely name card for the Jonas family placed on the dinner table. In her caption, Priyanka expressed her gratitude and wrote, "So grateful for the life we're building together. With tremendous gratitude in my heart, I'd like to thank everyone that has been in my corner all these years. It's so important for a person to have champions and I'm very lucky to have always had that. May you all be surrounded by love and loved ones. Happy thanksgiving to everyone celebrating."
Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas got married on December 1 and 2, 2018, following both Christian and Hindu traditions at Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur. They hosted two wedding receptions, one in Delhi and another in Mumbai. In January 2022, they welcomed their daughter Malti Marie via surrogacy.
On the work front, Priyanka is filming for Citadel season 2 and she will also appear in Heads of State alongside John Cena and Idris Elba. Additionally, she is set to star in The Bluff, directed by Frank E Flowers, where she plays a former female pirate protecting her family from her past in the 19th-century Caribbean.