Although she made her Bollywood debut with Delhi-6, Aditi Rao Hydari got noticed in Sudhir Mishra's Yeh Saali Zindagi, not just for her performance but also because of her multiple lip locks with co-actor Arunoday Singh. Now the actress says that she has no problems doing intimate scenes.
"In Yeh Saali Zindagi, all the kissing was completely valid, very organic to the film. I think it's the intention behind whatever scene you put in the film and if that is an honest intention, it doesn't upset either the viewer or the actor in any way," Aditi said.
"If a film demands an intimate scene and there isn't any, viewers will only feel what's wrong with these people, which world do they live in? So sometimes it's necessary and if it's done beautifully, it's lovely to watch and it's fine," the actress told reporters here.
Aditi will be next seen in London Paris New York opposite Ali Zafar.
"In Yeh Saali Zindagi, all the kissing was completely valid, very organic to the film. I think it's the intention behind whatever scene you put in the film and if that is an honest intention, it doesn't upset either the viewer or the actor in any way," Aditi said.
"If a film demands an intimate scene and there isn't any, viewers will only feel what's wrong with these people, which world do they live in? So sometimes it's necessary and if it's done beautifully, it's lovely to watch and it's fine," the actress told reporters here.
Aditi will be next seen in London Paris New York opposite Ali Zafar.