Soon after coming back from Delhi, Kareena Kapoor flew to Dubai on Thursday to attend a Bvlgari event. While getting ready, Kareena shared a glimpse from her makeup room on her Instagram Stories and it showed the actress doing her favourite thing. Can you guess what it is? Pout, of course. The image featured Kareena dressed in a bathrobe as her glam team did their magic. The actress was sitting on a chair with her eyes closed but her pout game was still on point. She wrote in the caption, "Doing my favourite thing," asking her viewers in a poll to guess whether she is talking about her hair, makeup or pout. No surprise, an overwhelming 76% of fans voted for pout. Take a look:
Kareena Kapoor attended the Bvlgari event dressed in a custom Anamika Khanna couture ensemble, which she paired with exquisite Bvlgari high jewellery pieces (of course). She styled her blush pink gown with an embroidered statement drape. Sharing pictures from the event on Instagram, Kareena wrote, "Here to witness a legacy of magnificence unfold as a Friend of the Maison. Celebrating the 140th Anniversary of eternity and timeless beauty with Bvlgari's ‘Aeterna' high jewellery collection. A breathtaking tribute to heritage, craftsmanship and the eternal city of Rome."
Last week, Kareena Kapoor attended the Red Sea International Film Festival in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The actress dazzled in an Oscar de la Renta gown at the event. She shared photos of her look for the night on Instagram and wrote, "Red Sea International Film Festival opening night."
On the work front, Kareena Kapoor was last seen in the cop drama Singham Again. The film also featured Ajay Devgn, Akshay Kumar, Ranveer Singh, Tiger Shroff, Deepika Padukone and Arjun Kapoor in key roles.