So, "summer is over" for Kareena Kapoor, who is still in the Maldives, where she flew last week to celebrate her 41st birthday. The actress, on Thursday, shared a photo of herself on her Instagram story and added that she is now preparing for "fall" at the beach destination. In the picture, which is out of focus, Kareena can be seen clicking a mirror selfie. She looks gorgeous, as usual, in a black bikini that she paired with a white oversized shirt. "Chalo, summer is over. Apparently, fall is here," she captioned the picture. Take a look:
Kareena Kapoor celebrated her 41st birthday with Saif Ali Khan and their two sons - Taimur and Jeh - on Tuesday. The day after, she shared a glimpse of her birthday celebrations. "Keep the fire burning... birthday promise to myself," she wrote.
Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan got married in 2012 after dating for some years. The couple, who became parents to Taimur in 2016, welcomed baby Jeh on February 21 this year.
Earlier, speaking about how Taimur has been with his little brother, Kareena Kapoor told NDTV: "He is overwhelmed and thrilled. We were worried at first that if he would be slightly jealous or that slightly feeling of, like there is someone new in the house but you know, Taimur is so wonderful that he is actually protective about him now. When one or two of his friends come over now, he is like, 'Have you seen my brother? Have you seen him, have you said hello to him?' This is the way he asks his friends."