This Article is From Jan 24, 2011

Old songs are inspirations that push new songs to do better:Bryan Adams



  • "Old songs are inspirations that push new songs to be better", opines the 51 year-old Canadian Rockstar Bryan Adams who is all set to woo the Indian audience during his tour beginning next month.
Bangalore: "Old songs are inspirations thatpush new songs to be better", opines the 51 year-old CanadianRockstar Bryan Adams who is all set to woo the Indian audienceduring his tour beginning next month.

Adams who will kickstart his tour in Mumbai on February 12and later play in Bangalore, New Delhi and Hyderabad expectshis concert to be a "Full band show, with all the songs youknow and love, may be a few others for good measure".

Bryan whose numbers Summer of 69, Cloud No. 9 are stillhummed today when talking about pressure to produce new musicsaid in a statement, "If there is any pressure, it's internal,self-imposed pressure, and it's normal to feel this".

On whether the rockstar, whose Everything I Do sold morethan 8 million copies worldwide, felt the heat of today'scompetition with so many youngsters in, he said, "It'salways been competitive, that will never change thankfully".

"What is different now is there are more musicians than everall exposed on the internet which is fantastic, however therecord companies are holding on to the old model that peoplewant CD's and most people just don't. This desperate controlwill eventually take the music business down and with it willgo the great songwriters, purely because they will not be ableto afford to make music and make a living", he said.

"It could turn around if all the people in the musicbusiness got together, that includes the artists and the bigcorporations that run the music business, but it will neverhappen sadly, at least I can't imagine it", he said.

The singer-songwriter, guitarist, bassist, producer, andphotographer, who will be back on his fourth tour to India,said, "Ever since we played in India, I've noticed more andmore people from India attending and requesting shows. Mytwitter page for example has requests from all over India andpeople are excited that we are coming for for a tour".

"My band and I were the first to do a big outdoor concertin Mumbai back in the 1990's and we are proud of this. We havealways had such an overwhelming response", he said.

Talking about his latest album Bare Bones he said "I madethat record for the acoustic tour, so people could havesomething different coming away from the shows. Again, I wentto my twitter page and asked the fans to suggest songs andthis was the result. Quite a fun record to make", he said.

A music icon himself, the Canadian talking about his ownfavourites said, "I'm always drawn to voices, so the greatblues and R+B singers influenced me, who also influenced thesingers I grew up listening to, Robert Plant, John Lennon andPaul McCartney, Mick Jagger, Joe Cocker, Rod Stewart, allinfluenced by American soul music, they in turn inspired me.I'm also drawn to singer songwriters like Jackson Browne,Elton John, Bob Dylan and many more".

On how different he expects this tour to be compared to hisprevious tours to the country, he said in a lighter vein, "I'mbringing an extra pair of socks this time, one pair wasn'tenough for the last tour".
