Om Puri also defended his controversial remarks against Parliamentarians
Bollywood actor Om Puri is set toplay the role of former Pakistani Army chief Gen Ashfaq ParvezKayani in a biopic on teenage rights activist Malala Yousafzai.
"I am playing Kayani in a biopic about Malala Yousafzai.I was impressed with his reaction to the incident," Puri, whowas in Pakistan recently, said in an interview here.Puri said Kayani contributed a lot towards Malala, who isthe youngest person in the world to be nominated for NobelPeace Prize.
"It is an ambitious project by a young filmmaker whothinks very clearly and knows what kind of films he wants tomake. Malala may also make a guest appearance in the film,"Puri said in an interview to Newsweek Pakistan.
The 64-year-old versatile actor also touched upon hiscontroversial remarks that were made against Parliamentariansat Ramlila Maidan in 2011 for which he had apologised afterbeen served a privilege notice by the Indian parliament.
"I saw he (Anna Hazare) had been fasting for weeks. I didnot wish for him to get ill. Many people were supporting him.I went to Ramlila Maidan and voiced my views. I didn't sayanything incorrect. I spoke about rampant corruption anduneducated politicians (in India). Gawar and anpar are notabuses.
"There are members in Parliament who have not gone toschool; and even those who have a very limited (capacity forthought). Some of the politicians yelled and shouted, theythreatened to jail me. But I was speaking about their greedand corruption. They bribe to get votes," Puri was quoted assaying by the magazine.
Puri also said he has a longstanding association withPakistan and Pakistanis."I have met Pakistani Muslims all over the world. Wealways meet with love, respect, and appreciation. People havestereotypes about Pakistan and they are not always correct. Inany argument with India, I defend Pakistan.
"When there is a bomb blast-even when the Taj attack(Mumbai, 2008) happened-I say, firstly, that this happens allover the world. And secondly, there are certain elements inPakistan who are not in their control.
"Markets, homes, hospitals, Army barracks in Pakistan arebeing bombed. They are also struggling. It is very sad," hesaid.
"I am playing Kayani in a biopic about Malala Yousafzai.I was impressed with his reaction to the incident," Puri, whowas in Pakistan recently, said in an interview here.Puri said Kayani contributed a lot towards Malala, who isthe youngest person in the world to be nominated for NobelPeace Prize.
"It is an ambitious project by a young filmmaker whothinks very clearly and knows what kind of films he wants tomake. Malala may also make a guest appearance in the film,"Puri said in an interview to Newsweek Pakistan.
The 64-year-old versatile actor also touched upon hiscontroversial remarks that were made against Parliamentariansat Ramlila Maidan in 2011 for which he had apologised afterbeen served a privilege notice by the Indian parliament.
"I saw he (Anna Hazare) had been fasting for weeks. I didnot wish for him to get ill. Many people were supporting him.I went to Ramlila Maidan and voiced my views. I didn't sayanything incorrect. I spoke about rampant corruption anduneducated politicians (in India). Gawar and anpar are notabuses.
"There are members in Parliament who have not gone toschool; and even those who have a very limited (capacity forthought). Some of the politicians yelled and shouted, theythreatened to jail me. But I was speaking about their greedand corruption. They bribe to get votes," Puri was quoted assaying by the magazine.
Puri also said he has a longstanding association withPakistan and Pakistanis."I have met Pakistani Muslims all over the world. Wealways meet with love, respect, and appreciation. People havestereotypes about Pakistan and they are not always correct. Inany argument with India, I defend Pakistan.
"When there is a bomb blast-even when the Taj attack(Mumbai, 2008) happened-I say, firstly, that this happens allover the world. And secondly, there are certain elements inPakistan who are not in their control.
"Markets, homes, hospitals, Army barracks in Pakistan arebeing bombed. They are also struggling. It is very sad," hesaid.