Akshay Kumar's OMG 2 “continues to win hearts at the box office”. Trade analyst Taran Adarsh said that the film will enter the Rs 100-crore club by the end of the second week. He tweeted, “OMG 2 continues to win hearts and mint money, after the big jump on Independence Day…Will hit century [₹ 100 crore] in Weekend 2…Friday Rs 10.26 crore, Saturday Rs 15.30 crore, Sunday Rs 17.55 crore, Monday Rs 12.06 crore, Tuesday Rs 17.10 crore, Wednesday Rs 7.20 crore.” Taran Adarsh added that the film has so far collected Rs 79.47 crore at the Indian box office. OMG 2, directed by Amit Rai, was released on August 11. In addition to Akshay Kumar, it also stars Yami Gautam, Pankaj Tripathi and Arun Govil. The film is a sequel to the 2012 hit OMG.
#OMG2 continues to win hearts and mint money, after the big jump on #IndependenceDay… Will hit CENTURY [₹ ???? cr] in Weekend 2… Fri 10.26 cr, Sat 15.30 cr, Sun 17.55 cr, Mon 12.06 cr, Tue 17.10 cr, Wed 7.20 cr. Total: ₹ 79.47 cr. #India biz. pic.twitter.com/COtdF04Nre
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) August 17, 2023
Akshay Kumar has shared a special message as OMG 2 collected over Rs 79 crore in less than a week. The actor also gave a shout out to Sunny Deol's Gadar 2, which clashed with OMG 2 at the box office. Sharing a video on Instagram, Akshay Kumar wrote, “A big thank you to our audiences for all the love for #OhMyGadar [OMG 2 and Gadar 2] and giving us the greatest week in Indian Film History.”
In an earlier post, Taran Adarsh also talked about the box office clash between OMG 2 and Sunny Deol's Gadar 2. He said, “Let's face it, the clash with Gadar 2 has eroded its [OMG 2] true potential… OMG 2 would have easily collected much, much more, if it hadn't been released alongside a Tsunami called Gadar 2.” The Sunny Deol film has collected ₹ 261.35 crore within 6 days.
#OMG2 is trending EXCEPTIONALLY WELL, the jump on #IndependenceDay is an EYE-OPENER… Fri 10.26 cr, Sat 15.30 cr, Sun 17.55 cr, Mon 12.06 cr, Tue 17.10 cr. Total: ₹ 72.27 cr. #India biz… #OMG2 is displaying strong legs at the #BO.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) August 16, 2023
Let's face it, the clash with #Gadar2 has… pic.twitter.com/5LSs6GDtyT
Film critic Saibal Chatterjee, in his review for NDTV, wrote “God's messenger in OMG is embodied by a flamboyant Akshay Kumar. The star's presence in the film is understandable. It enhances the box-office potential of the venture. But why Kanti Sharan Mudgal would need divine intervention to sort out his and his son's everyday problems in the real world is never clearly and convincingly established.”
Akshay Kumar will be next seen alongside Tiger Shroff in Bade Miyan Chote Miyan.