Pooja Bhatt sure knows how to make little sister Alia Bhatt's birthday extra special. The filmmaker, who is a bonafide fan of throwback pictures, took a trip down memory lane on Sunday and wished Alia by sharing adorable throwback photos of her on social media. While one of the photos is from Alia's childhood album, the other one belongs to the Sadak 2 diaries. Sharing the throwback posts, Pooja Bhatt also compared Alia's "then and now" looks and the Raazi actress' cuteness left us in awe. Pooja's latest post features her posing with father Mahesh Bhatt, mother Soni Razdan, Alia and Shaheen for a happy family photo. "Forever," she captioned that picture.
Take a look:
Earlier in the day, Soni Razdan wished Alia by sharing a set of throwback pictures and a loved-up note for her. An excerpt from her post read: "All I wish for you is to stay safe and healthy particularly in these days of health anxiety. So this year my birthday wish is all tied up with good health ! Have a wonderful day today and a healthy safe and at the same time productive year to come."
Shaheen Bhatt and Alia's friend Akansha Ranjan Kapoor also gave us glimpses of the actress' birthday celebrations:
Not only Alia Bhatt's family and friends but also her colleagues from the industry made the day extra special for her by wishing her on social media. Madhuri Dixit, with whom Alia has worked in Kalank, wrote: "I hope that your hard work takes you to greater heights every day. May your energy and zest for life get stronger every day. Here's to another year full of blockbusters and achieving new goals. Happy birthday, Alia Bhatt."
Vicky Kaushal's birthday post for Alia Bhatt arrived like this:
Whose birthday wish turned out to be your favourite? Tell us in the comments section.