Shah Rukh Khan completed 27 years in Bollywood and on his special day, the 53-year-old actor shared a special video on his Twitter profile. In the video, SRK not only thanked his fans for their love, he also came riding a motorcycle, just the way he did in his debut film Deewana. The Raj Kanwar-directed film, which clocked 27 years on Tuesday also marked SRK's debut in the Hindi film industry. SRK captioned the video: "Thank you for the awesome 27 years everybody and Thank you Sharad for the bikes." The video begins with a visual of SRK riding a bike and in the later section of the video, he addresses his fans. The actor can be seen dressed in a white sweatshirt and a pair of black trousers.
In the video, Shah Rukh Khan addresses his fans and says, "I want to say a big thank you for completing 27 years in the Hindi film cinema, which is exactly half my lifetime on Earth. I've been trying to entertain you for that many years and sometimes I have succeeded and many times I have failed. So, I want to thank you for bearing with for so many years. Since, I came on a motorcycle in my first film called Deewana, singing Koi Na Koi Chahiye and you allowed me into your hearts." He added, "My friends at the motorcycle company have sent me two motorcycles to try out the stunts I did in Deewana 27 years ago. So, I am going to give it a shot, but this time it is different. This time, I'll make sure, I do it with a helmet. Always ride a motorcycle wearing a helmet. Love you."
Take a look at Shah Rukh Khan's post here:
Thank you for the awesome 27 years everybody and Thank you Sharad for the bikes!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) June 25, 2019
Over a span of 27 years, SRK has delivered some of the biggest hits of the Hindi film cinema, which include Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayaenge, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Baadshah, Devdas, Bazigar, Darr, Main Hoon Na, Kal Ho Na Ho, Dil Toh Pagal Hai, My Name Is Khan, Chak De India and many other films.
On the work front, Shah Rukh Khan was last seen in Aanand L Rai's Zero, co-starring Anushka Sharma and Katrina Kaif.