Amitabh Bachchan wrote a heartfelt tweet on Jaya Bachchan's birthday, thanking everyone "for remembering her" and sending their warm wishes. Jaya Bachchan turned 72 on Thursday, and on the occasion, Amitabh Bachchan shared an adorable picture of themselves on his Twitter profile and wrote, "To them who have wished Jaya on her birthday today, my gratitude and love. Thank you for remembering her. It will be impossible to respond to each of you individually, hence this. Love." Big B wrapped his tweet saying that Jaya Bachchan has sent her regards. "She has been given your wishes and she sends her thanks," wrote Big B. Take a look:
T 3496 - To them that have wished Jaya on her birthday today, my gratitude and love .. thank you for remembering her .. it will be impossible to respond to each of you individually , hence this .. love ..
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) April 9, 2020
she has been given your wishes and she sends her thanks
Shweta Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan wished their mother Jaya Bachchan in the sweetest way possible. Shweta flipped through the family album and dug out a throwback photo from the time when she and Abhishek were kids. To wish her mom, Shweta borrowed a few lines from e e cummings' poem I Carry Your Heart With Me and wrote: "I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart) I am never without it (anywhere I go you go...) - Happy birthday, Mama; I love you (with a little help from e e cummings). Abhishek picked one of Jaya Bachchan's recent photographs and said that even though she is staying away from them in Delhi due to the lockdown, they all are "thinking" about her and carrying her in their hearts. He wrote: "As every child will tell you, their favourite word is... Ma! Happy birthday, Ma. Although you are away in Delhi due to the lockdown and we all are here in Mumbai, know that we are thinking of you and carry you in our hearts. I love you!"
Amitabh and Jaya Bachchan got married in the year 1973 after the release of , in which they co-starred. The couple welcomed their first child Shweta in 1974 and Abhishek in 1976.
Jaya Bachchan was among the top crop actresses in the Seventies and she is best-known for her role in films such as Guddi, Abhimaan, Zanjeer, Mili and Uphaar among others.