Akshay Kumar, who was enjoying the last day of his vacation with family at an undisclosed location, shared a video on his Instagram profile on Monday morning. In the video, Akshay can be seen having a great time as he goes down a water slide. Giving Akshay Kumar company was his daughter Nitara's little toy, which the actor described as her "favourite fishy" in the caption. In the video, we can hear Nitara chuckle as Akshay Kuamr slides away into the water. Posting the video on Instagram, Akshay Kumar captioned his post: "Last day of the holiday...Guess who insisted I slide down using her favourite fishy and had a good laugh."
Take a look at Akshay Kumar's post here:
This is what Akshay and Twinkle Khanna's vacation looks like:
Akshay Kumar married former actress and bestselling author Twinkle Khanna in the year 2001. The couple co-starred in films such as International Khiladi and Zulmi. The couple welcomed son Aarav the next year and daughter Nitara in 2012. Akshay often shares posts featuring his daughter.
In terms of work, Akshay Kumar has a super busy schedule in 2021. The actor recently shot for Atrangi Re with Sara Ali Khan and Dhanush. He will also be seen in Bell Bottom and Bachchan Pandey. He will also star in Prithviraj, which is a biopic of Prithviraj Chauhan. Sooryavanshi, which is Akshay Kumar's foray into Rohit Shetty's cop universe, is expected to release in theatres this year. The actor announced two new projects last year - Raksha Bandhan and Ram Setu. He was last seen in the horror comedy Laxmii.