Shilpa Shetty has always been extremely close to her family. And on the occasion of Parents' Day, the actress has shared a special post wishing her parents and her parents-in-laws on Instagram. The photo features Shilpa Shetty's parents Surendra Shetty and Sunanda Shetty, and her husband Raj Kundra's parents Bal Krishan Kundra and Usha Rani Kundra. In the caption, Shilpa shared a popular quote by American author Jim DeMint and wrote, “One of the greatest titles in the world is ‘parent', and one of the biggest blessings in the world is to have parents to call ‘mom' and ‘dad'.” She also added a note, “Go, give your parents the tightest hug and kiss you possibly can, while you can… Life is so unpredictable. Happy Parents' Day.”
Despite her hectic schedule, Shilpa Shetty always manages to make time for her family. Recently, the actress shared a video while vacationing in London where she could be seen enjoying a day out with her son Viaan Raj Kundra. She captioned it: “Our mood…ever since we left the city.”
Shilpa Shetty is very close to her mother and it reflects in many of her posts on social media. On her mother Sunanda Shetty's birthday, she shared an adorable video featuring glimpses of different pictures of the two. Tagging her mother, she wrote, “My WORLD, my rock, my bestie, my cheerleader, my force, my sun, moon and ever-shining STAR. Happy birthday to you! Wishing you great health and miles of smiles always.”
On the occasion of Valentine's Day, the actress shared a video on Instagram wishing her husband Raj Kundra. In the clip, the couple can be seen walking together hand-in-hand. Shilpa Shetty wrote, “My Valentine… everyday. Love and Faith keeps us going.”
Shilpa Shetty and Raj Kundra have been married since 2009. The actress made her Bollywood debut with the 1993 thriller Baazigar. She was last seen in the film Nikamma.