Drop everything and rush straight to Rashmika Mandanna's latest post on Instagram. She has shared a picture with one and only Pushpa Raj aka Allu Arjun. Rashmika has also announced that “Pushpa and Srivalli are all yours now.” And, we can't keep calm. After all, Pushpa 2 has opened to theatres today. In the pictures, Allu Arjun and Rashmika are sharing a candid moment. They are wearing hoodies with Srivalli and Pushpa written on them. Sharing the photos, the actress wrote, “Pushpa and Srivalli, All yours now!!” She has added burning heart emojis to the post.
Rashmika Mandanna has also shared some BTS pictures featuring herself, Allu Arjun and director Sukumar. Sharing the frames, the actress said, “Pushpa 2 is releasing tomorrow and right now I am overwhelmed with emotions..It's fascinating to see myself be so affected and so personally connected with this team and for a film.. never before have I ever let a film influence my emotions and today on the eve of the release I am feeling emotions I've never felt for a film before. Hmm.. where do I begin.. Pushpa started in 2021 but for me it started waaaay before that in covid times.. I remember the team coming to my house to train me for the chitoor slang to walking on the sets of Pushpa on day 1 the release of Pushpa 1 and then starting of Pushpa 2 shooting for Pushpa 2 for sooooo long.. everyday for the last 5 years talking about Pushpa..”
For Allu Arjun and director Sukumar, the actress added, “Sukku sir.. from the point of not knowing how to talk to him to the point where I am so so emotionally connected to him.. Allu Arjun sir.. from I point of being so scared of sir to even talk to sir to searching for him in our crowded set to ask if the shot was ok.. Kuba sir the man of few words but the man when he smiles you know that, that shoot is freaking amazing!! Mythri movie makers my home production from the point of fighting for dates to the last day of fighting for dates…haha..Fahadh sir I got to work with you for 2 days and I've heard you've created absolute magic..on my way to watch it right now I love mythri.. they are the best! These people mean so much to me! SO MUCH TO ME! I am so proud of us! I am so proud of how we started to how we are today! Team Pushpa !! I love you! I love how hard we've worked.. I love what we've created today and I love how in sync we all are! I love it! Everyone works hard but success comes because of the people you surround yourself with. And Pushpa is the perfect example of it.”
Pushpa 2 also stars Jagadeesh Prathap Bandari, Jagapathi Babu and Prakash Raj. The film has been released in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam.