First, happy birthday, Rajinikanth. Thalaiva turned 70 on Saturday and we can't keep calm. To make Rajinikanth's day extra special, celebrities from the South film industry, Bollywood and music industry such as superstars Chiranjeevi, Mohanlal, music maestro AR Rahman, Mahesh Babu and Suniel Shetty wished him in unique ways. Posting a throwback picture, Chiranjeevi, who has co-starred with Rajinikanth in a couple of films like Kaali and Ranuva Veeran, wrote: "Dearest friend Rajinikanth, happy 70th birthday and wish you a wonderful life ahead. Wish you all success in your endeavor in politics. You have won millions of hearts through your unique style and I trust you will also tread your unique path in serving those millions! Stay Blessed! Lots of love!" Mohanlal posted a throwback picture of Thalaiva with this caption: "Happy birthday dear Rajinikanth. #HappyBirthdayRajinikanth."
Dearest Friend @rajinikanth
— Chiranjeevi Konidela (@KChiruTweets) December 12, 2020
Happy 70th Birthday & Wish you a wonderful life ahead.Wish you All Success in ur endeavor in politics.U have won millions of hearts through Ur unique style & I trust U will also tread Ur unique path in serving those millions! Stay Blessed!Lots of love!
Happy Birthday Dear @rajinikanth #HappyBirthdayRajinikanth
— Mohanlal (@Mohanlal) December 12, 2020
AR Rahman, actress Keerthy Suresh, actor Dulquer Salmaan and Bollywood stars Suniel Shetty and Aditi Rao Hydari unveiled a birthday-special common display picture (CDP) for Rajinikanth on behalf of his fans on Twitter. The poster shows Rajinikath's five movie characters. "Extremely privileged to release superstar Rajinikanth's 70th Birthday CDP on behalf of his fans. Wishing you a great birthday and good health! #HBDSuperstarRajinikanth," wrote AR Rahman.
Happy Birthday Dear @rajinikanth #HappyBirthdayRajinikanth
— Mohanlal (@Mohanlal) December 12, 2020
Mahesh Babu's birthday wish read: "Happy birthday, Rajinikanth sir! May you continue to inspire millions and redefine style in cinema. Wishing you good health, happiness and peace always!"
Happy birthday, @rajinikanth sir! May you continue to inspire millions and redefine style in cinema. Wishing you good health, happiness and peace always!
— Mahesh Babu (@urstrulyMahesh) December 12, 2020
"An inspiration and a personification of humility and generosity! Extremely honored to release our beloved superstar Rajinikanth's 70th birthday CDP. #HBDSuperstarRajinikanth,' wrote Dulquer Salmaan.
An inspiration and a personification of humility and generosity! Extremely honored to release our beloved superstar @Rajinikanth's 70th birthday CDP#HBDSuperstarRajinikanth
— dulquer salmaan (@dulQuer) December 11, 2020
Keerthy Suresh sent her wishes early with these words: "So excited and honoured to share the CDP of the living legend, Rajinikanth sir. Wishing you an advance happy birthday."
So excited and honoured to share the CDP of the living legend, @rajinikanth sir
— Keerthy Suresh (@KeerthyOfficial) December 11, 2020
Wishing you an advance Happy Birthday #HBDSuperstarRajinikanth
Here's what Suniel Shetty and Aditi Rao Hydari wrote for Rajinikanth:
He has surely been the biggest inspiration for me and many others. Happiest Birthday to Rajini Sir!
— Suniel Shetty (@SunielVShetty) December 11, 2020
Extremely honoured to release our beloved Superstar @rajinikanth Sir's 70th Birthday CDP.#HBDSuperstarRajinikanth
Extremely honoured to release our beloved Superstar @rajinikanth sirs Birthday CDP #HBDSuperstarRajinikanth
— Aditi Rao Hydari (@aditiraohydari) December 11, 2020
South filmmaker Vignesh Shivan posted a picture of himself and Thalaiva and wrote: "Happy birthday to you #Thalaiva ... we love you so much! More than what words could explain! Stay happy, healthy and blessed forever! Love you, Thalaiva."
Huma Qureshi, who shared screen space with Rajinikanth in Kaala, wrote: "Happy Rajnikanth Day to Happy Birthday! Best time working with this legend."
Rajinikanth will next be seen in Annaatthe, which will be directed by Siva.