On Baahubali director SS Rajamouli's 47th birthday, his friends and colleagues from the film industry filled the Internet with heart-warming wishes. From Jr NTR, Ram Charan and Rana Daggubati to Ajay Devgn and Alia Bhatt, a lot of celebrities showered love on the renowned director and made his day extra special. Jr NTR, who is working with Rajamouli in their forthcoming film RRR, shared a happy photo of themselves and wrote: "Wishing you a very happy birthday, Jakkana Rajamouli! Love you." Rana Daggubati, who was one of the lead actors in blockbuster Baahubali films (part 1 and 2), wrote: "Happy birthday, Boss. Have the best one."
Ram Charan's post read: "Critics are loud, but his success is louder! Happy birthday to my mentor, Rajamouli garu. Lots of love." He will also feature in RRR.
Ajay Devgn and Alia Bhatt, who will also star in RRR, sent their best wishes on Twitter and Instagram, respectively. "Many happy returns of the day dear Rajamouli Garu. It's been an honour knowing you and working with you on RRR. Best wishes for always, Sir," wrote Ajay while Alia's post read: "Happy birthday sir. May the magic of your movies always light up our world."
Many happy returns of the day dear Rajamouli Garu. It's been an honour knowing you and working with you on RRR. Best wishes for always Sir @ssrajamouli pic.twitter.com/pu2MKg4IXq
— Ajay Devgn (@ajaydevgn) October 10, 2020
Mahesh Babu, who will star in Rajamouli's next film after RRR, tweeted: "Wishing Rajamouli garu a very happy birthday. May you continue to set the bar higher with your films! Great health and happiness always!"
Wishing @ssrajamouli garu a very happy birthday. May you continue to set the bar higher with your films!! Great health and happiness always!
— Mahesh Babu (@urstrulyMahesh) October 10, 2020
Actress Kajal Aggarwal wished SS Rajamouli like this: "Happiest birthday, sir! Mya you be blessed with all the contentment in the world and may your ability to translate your thoughts into celluloid strengthen even more. Looking forward to many more such fabulous chats and seeing you more often this year."
@ssrajamouli pic.twitter.com/096TfcCGFC
— Kajal Aggarwal (@MsKajalAggarwal) October 10, 2020
"Here's wishing the best birthday to one of India's finest directors, Rajamouli Garu! Sending you best wishes and love," tweeted Venkatesh Daggubati.
Here's wishig the best birthday to one of India's finest directors @ssrajamouli Garu! Sending you best wishes and love
— Venkatesh Daggubati (@VenkyMama) October 10, 2020
Telugu actor Ram Pothineni made Rajamouli's birthday special with these words: "Here's wishing our pride of Indian cinema, Rajamouli garu a very happy birthday...Keep #RRRocking sir!"
Here's wishing our Pride of Indian Cinema @ssrajamouli garu a very happy birthday..
— RAm POthineni (@ramsayz) October 10, 2020
Hit vaste career grow avutundhi..kaani eyanaki Hit vaste Industry motham grow avutundhi..
Keep #RRRocking sir!
Happy birthday, SS Rajamouli!