Actress Athiya Shetty made father Suniel Shetty's birthday special with a throwback treat. As Suniel Shetty celebrated his 58th birthday, Athiya took a trip down the memory lane and dug out a nostalgia-dipper photo of the father-daughter duo to convert it into a greeting card. In the photo, a much younger version of Athiya can be seen posing with her dad. Athiya, cute as a button in a white dress, appeared to convey this heart-warming message to her father: "Happy birthday to my best friend, I love you, papa! I wish you so much joy and laughter. Thank you for always having my back, and I hope you know we have yours, always." Suniel Shetty and Mana Shetty are also parents to Ahan Shetty, who is all set to enter Bollywood.
Take a look at Athiya Shetty's birthday wish for Suniel Shetty.
happy birthday to my best friend, i love you, papa! i wish you so much joy and laughter thank you for always having my back, and i hope you know we have yours, always!
— Athiya Shetty (@theathiyashetty) August 11, 2019
Needless to say that Athiya is a bona-fide fan of throwback photos as her Instagram feed is filled with old memories. We will start with what she had posted on Suniel Shetty's birthday last year because the list is endless.
Meanwhile in Bollywood, Athiya Shetty is all of two-films old. Launched by Salman Khan, she made her acting debut with 2015 movie Hero. Athiya also featured in Mubarakan and featured in the special song Tere Naal Nachna from Nawabzaade. Athiya Shetty will next be seen in Motichoor Chaknachoor, co-starring Nawazuddin Siddiqui.
Suneil Shetty featured in the redux of Sheher Ki Ladki along with Raveena Tandon in recent release Khandaani Shafakhana.