The euphoric mood clearly reflected on Twitter after RRR's track Naatu Naatu came one step closer to the 95th Academy Awards. It has been shortlisted in the Best Original Song category. The nominations for the 2023 Academy Awards will be announced on January 24. Meanwhile, Ram Charan, who featured in the track alongside Jr NTR, tweeted this after Naatu Naatu made it to the Oscar shortlist. "What a historic moment for the entire Indian Film Industry... Couldn't be more honoured to note that Naatu Naatu becomes the first Indian song to be shortlisted for the Academy Awards." Tagging RRR director SS Rajamouli and music composer M M Keeravani, Ram Charan added, "SS Rajamouli garu and M M Keeravani garu, it's all your vision and magic." He accompanied the tweet with the hashtag #RRRForOscars.
Read Ram Charan's tweet here:
What a historic moment for the entire Indian Film Industry... Couldn't be more honoured to note that #NaatuNaatu becomes the first Indian song to be shortlisted for the Academy Awards! @ssrajamouli garu and @mmkeeravaani garu, it's all your vision and magic.. #RRRForOscars
— Ram Charan (@AlwaysRamCharan) December 22, 2022
Meanwhile, on the official Twitter handle of RRR Movie, the makers shared the news and wrote in the caption: "Here we go... Naatu Naatu becomes the first Indian song to be shortlisted for the Academy Awards! Thank you everyone for supporting us throughout our journey #RRRForOscars #RRRMovie."
Here we go... #NaatuNaatu becomes to be shortlisted for the Academy Awards!
— RRR Movie (@RRRMovie) December 22, 2022
THANK YOU everyone for supporting us throughout our journey #RRRForOscars #RRRMovie
While the Oscar nominations are awaited. The film is also competing for two awards at the Golden Globes next month - Best Non-English Film and Best Original Song for Naatu Naatu.
RRR was SS Rajamouli's first project after the 2017 blockbuster Baahubali 2: The Conclusion, which was a massive success as well. Almost two months after its theatrical release, RRR began streaming on Netflix. According to the OTT giant, RRR (Hindi) became "the most popular Indian film on Netflix around the world" in June.
The film, set in the 1920's, is a fictitious story based on two legendary freedom fighters - Alluri Seetharamaraju and Komaram Bheem. It released across languages in India. Thwe film also released in Japan and the US. It became the highest grossing Indian film at Japanese box office recently. The film raised 410 million yen.