Deepika Padukone, who was one of the presenters at the 95th Academy Awards, ruled the red carpet with her appearance. Now, American actress Mindy Kaling has shared some inside pictures from the Oscars ceremony held yesterday, posing with Deepika and RRR star Ram Charan. The first image is of her with Deepika, and both look just stunning. In the image, Mindy and Deepika, twinning in black outfits, are posing for a selfie. The next photo is from Vanity Fair Oscars afterparty that features Mindy with Ram Charan and his wife Upasana.
Mindy looks beautiful in a golden ensemble, while Ram Charan and Upasana look adorable in black ensembles. Sharing the post on Instagram, Mindy wrote, "Could not be more starstruck by these Brown Beauties."
Take a look below:
Yesterday was a memorable day for India as we won not one but two Oscars - RRR song Naatu Naatu won in the Best Original Song category and The Elephant Whisperer won an award in The Best Documentary Short Subject category. In the terms of fashion, Deepika Padukone ruled the red carpet with her black off-shoulder gown by Louis Vuitton. She added matching long gloves and accessorised her look with statement jewellery.
Deepika Padukone shared many pictures on her Instagram, offering a closer glimpse of her red carpet outfit. In one of the images, her industry friends flooded the comment section. Alia Bhatt wrote, "Ufff stunner!!!!! " followed by heart emoticons. Neha Dhupia wrote, "Gorgeous."Sanjeeda Sheikh dropped heart emoticons.
Take a look below:
Meanwhile, on the work front, Deepika Padukone will be next seen in Fighter with Hrithik Roshan.