Ever since the release of Amar Singh Chamkila, Diljit Dosanjh has been making waves in entertainment headlines. Now, Punjabi actress Oshin Brar, who made her acting debut opposite Diljit in the 2015 film Mukhtiar Chadha, opened up about how "someone" didn't want her to work with the superstar again. In a chat with Indian Express, Oshin, whose photo went viral as Diljit's alleged wife, shared, “I think someone didn't wish me to do the movie promotions (for Mukhtiar Chadha) with him, even though I was the lead of the movie, and then someone didn't want me to work with him ever again. I am still clueless about this behaviour and calls.” She continued, “It could be because I was just 19 and did both my debut projects with him (Diljit Dosanjh). To be honest it doesn't really matter to me, I don't need any fame out of it. I had such an amazing time working with him. I was only 19 and he helped me a lot during the shoot in understanding the movie character and I believe he didn't change at all. He treated the entire cast with love and respect.” The actress also praised Diljit Dosanjh's performance in Amar Singh Chamkila.
Oshin Brar also spoke about the photo that went viral and sparked rumours that the two were married. Refuting all the claims, Oshin stated, “I have no clue why people thought I am his wife.” A few days ago, the publication also shared a note from the actress in another report. The note read, “Hi friends. A while ago I worked as a model and did a music video shoot called Shoon Shaan for the movie Mukhtiar Chadha with Diljit Dosanjh. Ever since then, somehow or the other, I was made aware by friends and relatives that my image was being used maliciously to be “Diljit Dosanjh's wife” on the internet. At first, I laughed it off as I had no idea how this happened, and I did attempt some take-down requests across YouTube and Quora. Never did I think the image would remain so pervasive for so many years.”
“This news continues to go viral every so often, and here we are again with my image being used on a lot of TikTok's and Instagram posts recently. I just want to clear the air that this picture is of me and I am not Sandeep Kaur. I don't want to doxx myself any further. If you could all do me a favor and if you see this image out there in the wild, please just report or comment and let the public know this is not his wife. I'm not looking for any internet fame or anything like that. Thank you all so much!” Oshin Brar added.
In the biopic released on Netflix, Diljit Dosanjh played the legendary Punjabi singer Amar Singh Chamkila, who was tragically killed during the peak of his career. During an appearance on The Great Indian Kapil Show, Diljit talked about his role and how he initially believed he would understand Chamkila better due to his Punjabi background. However, after talking to Imtiaz Ali, Diljit "completely surrendered" himself to the director's vision.
Diljit Dosanjh shared, “I used to think that because I am from Punjab, I would understand Chamkila better. But after I met Imtiaz, I completely surrendered to him.”
"The way he stood, the way he spoke, the way he would react, and even the way he would think, Imtiaz had it all figured out because of his extensive research and homework that he had done on Chamkila,” Diljit Dosanjh added.
In addition to Diljit Dosanjh, Parineeti Chopra has been receiving much love for her portrayal of Amarjot Kaur (Chamkila's wife and co-singer).