Parineeti Chopra recently made an appearance for Namaste England promotions with Arjun Kapoor in Mumbai, photos of which have been shared on social media by fan clubs and as is the case with the Internet, Parineeti was trolled for her outfit, which was seen as "hideous". Those who spotted Parineeti's photos from the photoshoot trolled the actress for appearing to be uncomfortable as she stepped out to meet the paparazzi. "Dude, seriously why wear something when you are so uncomfortable in it? All in the name of fashion," read a comment on a photo of Parineeti shared on fan clubs. The 29-year-old actress opted for a sky-blue off-shoulder button-down dress with asymmetric hem.
In some of the photos and videos shared from the photoshoot, a visibly uneasy Parineeti can be seen constantly struggling to keep her hair in shape and adjusting her dress before posing. "Why wear clothes you are not comfortable wearing!" said a user on an Instagram photo while another comment read: "I use to admire Parineeti so much for her confidence and not being camera shy. And now after her weight loss, she has become so conscious about herself and always uncomfortable in what she is wearing."
Some also posted rude comments about Parineeti's outfit, reviewing it as "tight": "The dress does nothing for her. She looks tacky and I mean just look at the dress? It doesn't even fit well," said a user.
Parineeti Chopra, who shared about her fat-to-fit transformation in 2016, is not new to the concept of body-shaming. Last year, she opened up about dealing with body-image issues and mentioned how she was once slammed for not fitting into Bollywood's definition of slim: "I was constantly made fun of, but the person I was, I generously laughed with them. Today, many people ask me what triggered the weight loss, did I give in to the "Bollywood pressure"? To that I say - thank god I became an actor and had that pressure," she wrote in an Instagram post. After back-to-back flops in 2014, Parineeti went on a sabbatical for a year when she refashioned herself through her Built That Way campaign.
Parineeti will next be seen in Namaste England with Arjun Kapoor. Directed by Vipul Amrutlal Shah, Namaste England hits screens on October 19, 2018. Parineeti also has films like Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar and Jabariya Jodi in the pipeline.